
Why Youth is Important

Studies show that over 66% of youth leave their faith by their college graduation. Our vision for the Youth Ministry is for your students to be statistic breakers. We believe we can do this by partnering with parents/guardians to make a lasting impact on your youth.

Youth Schedule

We love being together, so we try to meet as often as we can. Sometimes that means both middle school and high school meeting together and sometimes it means separate events! Note: We tailor messages and small group questions to be more age appropriate.


Middle School Service

Services at 9A & 11A
This is our time for our students in grades 6-8 to gather together for our Sunday morning service. We'll worship, read God's word, and have small group time.

Note: High School students are invited to attend the main service in the sanctuary or join a serving team. Click here to view serving opportunities.


Youth Group

Middle School & High School | 6:30-8:30P
Wednesday is Youth Group night at ccdelco. We usually start with a time to hang, then head to the Chapel for a time of worship. Then Middle School and High School students split up to hear age appropriate content and for small group discussions.


Semi-Regular OATH Saturdays

5P to 8P on select Saturdays
This is OATH High School Ministry's semi-regular Saturday! This night is designed to be fun, relevant and engaging to today's teens. We're big believers in the transforming truth of Jesus and we're big believers in the power of food to gather people and spark conversation. So, dinner (free!) begins at 5pm followed by the fun and ministry.

Parents, if you'd like to contribute to our meals please contact Pastor John at

The Space Between Middle School

The Space Between is a place where kids will find community, experience the love of Jesus Christ, and learn about their place in His Kingdom through our impactful services and exciting events.

There are numerous studies done on how many young people leave the faith by the time the finish college.  While these statistics are true, we believe we can change the way youth ministry is done.  Here, our goal is to teach our kids the truth of the gospel and help them identify the gifts He has given them so they can become an effective part of the Kingdom, even in their pre-teen years.

View Middle School Events
See All Youth Events

OATH High School

We make it a priority to have a variety of events every month for our high school students in grades 9-12. These events range from conferences, retreats, service trips, and our fun Saturday events. We encourage you to invite your friends to these high energy, fun events.

See High School Events
See All Youth Trips

Meet the Youth Team

Our goal is to partner with parents and be an extension of the ministry that you already lead at home with your kids.

Austin MedleyAustin Medley
Austin Medley
Family Pastor
Ken FriesonKen Frieson
Ken Frieson
Middle School Pastor
Ian EisenhartIan Eisenhart
Ian Eisenhart
Assistant Youth Director
John ReillyJohn Reilly
John Reilly
Associate Pastor; Worship Department Head; High School Pastor

Hi, my name is

Austin Medley


My goal is to partner with parents and be an extension of the ministry that you already lead at home with your kids.

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Hi, my name is

Ken Frieson


My goal is to partner with parents and be an extension of the ministry that you already lead at home with your kids.

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Hi, my name is

Ian Eisenhart


My goal is to partner with parents and be an extension of the ministry that you already lead at home with your kids.

Get in Touch

Hi, my name is

John Reilly


My goal is to partner with parents and be an extension of the ministry that you already lead at home with your kids.

Get in Touch
Austin Medley
Family Pastor
Ken Frieson
Middle School Pastor
Ian Eisenhart
Assistant Youth Director
John Reilly
Associate Pastor; Worship Department Head; High School Pastor

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