Journey Kids

Our mission can be reduced to a single word: partnership.We are your partners on your child's faith journey. Everything we do is meant to excite your child to come to church and to equip you to disciple them at home.

Why JKids is Important

You are the primary spiritual influence of your child, but discipling your child is not a job you were meant to do alone. JKids exists to partner with you to lead your child on a journey toward full devotion in Christ by creating environments where we awaken wonder, spark discovery, and ignite passion in your child's heart. Our greatest strength lies in the host of godly men and women devoted to your children, reinforcing the same Truth at church that you impart at home.

Upcoming JKids Events

We host several family-focused events throughout the year. Using a combination of social and sacred events, we seek to foster community among families and offer discipleship opportunities within your family. Our marquee events are a fall harvest party, spring Easter Event, and summer Family Bible School.

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See All JKids Events

Meet the Kids Team

Children's ministry is not just the way we serve God; it is who we are to the core.
Our joy comes from dreaming of ways to help the little children come to Jesus.

Ashley Thomas
JKids Ministry Director
Austin Medley
Family Pastor
Nichole Peta
Family Ministry Operations Manager

Age - Grade

Nursery: 0-24 Months

Nursery is not simply childcare. It is a place where we begin our journey to share God's love with infants and toddlers through our words, actions, and worship.

We'd love to celebrate your child's first step of faith with you through Baby Dedications. Click here to submit a request.

Toddlers: 2-3 Years

Journeying through God's Creation in our Answers in Genesis Curriculum. Our Toddler Class explores biblical truth in a fun and age-appropriate way. Mixing worship, stories, and meaningful play, we focus on four "Big Truths" that awaken wonder toward God in our littlest ones.

Preschool: 3-5 Years

Journeying through God's Creation in our Answers in Genesis Curriculum. Our preschool celebrates the spiritual potential of our little ones by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word. Mixing worship, basic Scripture memory, hands-on learning, and a healthy dose of fun, we help preschoolers understand their need for a Savior.

Elementary: K-3rd Grade

Journeying through God's Creation in our Answers in Genesis Curriculum. JKids is designed to spark discovery in K-3rd grade children by mixing worship, Scripture memory, science experiments through age-appropriate Bible study. We encourage our early elementary-age kids to forge a faith of their own.

Axis: 4th-5th Grade

Revolving your world arounds God's truth. Axis takes your 4th-5th grader on a journey through God's Creation in our Answers in Genesis Curriculum. We combine indoor learning with outdoor exploration as we take trips, do STEM projects, foster friendships for your student, and encourage family discipleship.

Still Have Some Questions?

We've got answers.
Any general inquiries that aren't answered here can be sent to

How do I know my child is safe?
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The safety of your children is among the highest priorities in JourneyKids. We work diligently along several tracks to create a safe environment every week. Among our policies and procedures to ensure the safety of your children are:

- Background checks are required of all volunteers serving in JKids

- All volunteers wear name tag lanyards, so they can be easily identified

- We secure and lock the JKids environment after the check-in time is complete

- We operate under a "two-deep" policy, which means every volunteer with children can be seen by at least one additional adult, so no one is left unsupervised around children

- With our check-in system, every child and parent receives a label with a unique code. We will only release a child after service after seeing matching child and parent codes.

Can I bring my child if they're sick?
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Under our "Healthy Kids Policy," we are unable to receive children into JKids classrooms if they have experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 24 hours:

- Fever > 100- Vomiting / diarrhea

- Yellow / green runny nose

- Sore throat / strep throat

- Eye infection

- Persistent cough or wheezing

- Contagious or unexplained rash

- Other infectious illness or virus

Do I have to take my child to children's church?
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We believe that age-appropriate learning is the best model for our particular fellowship. Therefore, we ask that no children under the age of eight remain in the main sanctuary. Because we value children and their spiritual heritage, we have committed a significant amount of time and resources to our JKids children’s program, which is geared to meet the physical, spiritual, and social needs of your children.

Special note for first time attendees and guests: We understand that when visiting a church for the first time, you may not be comfortable leaving your children in a children's ministry. Although we would love to welcome your kids in JKids (and we think they'd have a great time), we have set aside an area in the rear of the main sanctuary for first-time attendees with children.

What if I want to serve in JKids?
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We would LOVE to have you join us in JKids (and, if we’re being honest, it really is the best place to get involved at church)! Reach out to us at and fill out our Serving Opportunities Form.

Do you do child dedications?
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Child Dedication Sundays are a quarterly event where we will invite all participating families to join us on stage and stand before both the Lord and our church body to dedicate their child to Jesus publicly. Our goal is to honor you as a family unit before the church body and come alongside you in relationship for each and every stage of life.

We will offer a reception after the second service upstairs in the chapel as an opportunity to invite your loved ones; we hope this can be an evangelistic outreach where we join in celebration over the love of our King Jesus. To register, click here for our Child Dedication Form.

We are offering two services through the end of 2023 to hold this special Sunday for your family. These dates are:

  • Sunday, September 17th @ 11A
  • Sunday, December 10th @ 11A
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Our heart for partnership.

JKids at Home

JKids at Home is the heart of our promise to equip you for the discipling of your children. Here you'll find the Bible story and memory verse videos we use at church each week. With "Family Discussion Questions" at the end, use these videos as an online kids' service or to reinforce what your kids learned at church.

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