Why Care Ministry is Important
We are here to encourage you to find and follow Jesus through the transitions, challenges, joys, and sorrows of life. So, take a look at how we "do" care ministry.
If you find yourself in need of immediate care, please call our church office at 610-459-8111 Monday through Friday from 9AM-5PM.
What Prayer Means
Prayer is how we communicate with God. It’s where we offer thanks (Isaiah 12:4-5), where we make requests (Philippians 4:6-7), and where we spend time getting to know God’s nature as He speaks with us (Hebrews 1:1-5).
Just as any relationship requires time, a deep personal relationship with God is cultivated through time spent with Him in prayer.

Why Prayer is Important
Jesus said it himself, that His house would be a house of prayer. (Mark 11:17 referencing Isaiah 56:7) We can’t do anything apart from Jesus, and prayer helps us recognize our need and full dependence of Him.
Yet at the same time, prayer empowers and emboldens us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to live out God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.